Add-on: LS Central for retail

LS Central: the retail management solution

LS Central is an advanced, intuitive, fully-integrated (fashion) retail management solution, built on the award winning ERP system Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. It provides you with full control over your business processes, and realtime shared access to valuable data.

LS Central delivers the breadth and depth of functionality demanded by large and small (fashion) retailers without the need to build, manage and maintain multiple applications and inconsistent interfaces. Its unique use of a single application to cover store to headquarters, the POS terminals, store systems, inventory, merchandising and all the backoffice functions required at headoffice, sets this LS Retail solution apart from all other retail management solutions.

Benefits of LS Central for the fashion industry

  • Alignment and execution of management top down strategy and store operations.
  • Immediate access to enterprise information.
  • Guaranteed data integrity and reliability.
  • Integration of POS and multi-store operations with headoffice in one system.
  • Adaptability to dynamic business change and growth.
  • Multi-country consolidation and integration.
  • Accurate stock and accounting data, granting better stock management.
  • Sophisticated and configurable management reports.
  • Increased customer satisfaction and customer loyalty.

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