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Add-on: Continia

A smart document management solution

In many companies, processing and archiving incoming mail, internal documents and invoices is a labor intensive process. A smart document management solution helps you simplify these processes.

Incoming documents

We can provide you with a solution, integrated with your ERP system, to fully automate the process of incoming invoices. The savings in processing time will increase up to 70 percent in FTEs.

The highlights:

  • Scanning and automatic recognition of invoices
  • Support of e-invoicing for the electronic receipt of invoices
  • Automatic matching of invoices based on purchase orders
  • Advanced electronics archive for easy retrieval of invoices
  • Monitoring function: monitoring progress including a recall option

We give you the opportunity to reduce the total processing time. Invoices will not get lost in the approval process and you will always have insight into the status of invoices.

Outgoing documents

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central offers basic functionality for automating the process of outgoing documents. Completed by our itSuitsFashion add-on, E-invoicing, you have a complete solution for managing, storing and sending documents.

E-invoicing offers the following value added services:

  • Sending documents by e-mail (including invoices) in a batch, rather than just one document.
  • You can decide who you want to send the e-mail to, including the CC and BCC. In Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, the documents are sent by default to the e-mail address listed at the customer.
  • You can use a flexible e-mail template. The document (for example an invoice or order) will be attached.

By automating the process of outgoing documents, sending them per e-mail, you can save money on paper, processing and shipping. Thanks to electronic billing, invoices are paid faster and you have better control.

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